MACOMB COUNTY AREA NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Area Service Committee Meeting Minutes November 11, 2018 1. Opening recited by all in attendance. 2. The 12 Traditions were read by Lindsay P. 3. The 12 Concepts were read by Paul W. 4. The definition and purpose of an ASC was read by DJ 5. The Service Prayer was read by Towana N. 6. New GSR’s: Gabby W. represents White Flag, John K. represents Clean for Today, David C. represents I Love Lucy, Smitty is representing Bring A Friend, Bradley is representing Closer to the Heart. 7. There were 15 GSR’s in attendance at today’s meeting. Quorum was met. 8. ASC open service positions: Co-Regional Committee Member (RCM), Jillian S. elected, Co-Secretary, Adam R. elected. 9. The Treasurer’s Account with the MSO was reconciled for $.09. Beginning Balance: $825.00, Group Donations: $244.00, 7th Tradition: $17.00, Total Before Expenses: $1086.00. 10. Subcommittee Reports: RCM-no report this month. MSO-is paying off the debt owed to NAWS currently. H&I’s Book Inventory inadvertently sold. Activities-Halloween party yielded a profit. Xmas Party is December 15, 2018. Helpline-Workshop learning day planned, date to be announced later. Helpline Co-Chair needed. H&I- Harbor Light needs volunteers, SHAR Macomb- needs women volunteers. MCJ- things going well. Need volunteers for Thursdays. Blue Book Banquet date is February 13, 2018 and tickets are on sale at this time. H&I’s books will no longer be stored at the MSO. Literature-Jonathan P. would like to set up workshop learning day. Newsletter-Send recovery quotes, Dear Addy questions, clean dates, poems and other content to Jocelyn @MacombMiracles Outreach-Scott R. not present, letter of intent submitted. Convention-report given by Stacy K. convention went well. Complete report will be submitted later. Figures will be gone over by the committee on December 2, 2018 7:00 pm at Wyndham Garden's Hotel. 11. Old Business: None 12. New Business: Budgets requests submitted for all subcommittees. Newsletter: $70, H&I: $500, Helpline: $60, are requests are triannual, which is 3 times per year. 13. Ending Treasurer’s Balance: Group donations: $244, 7th Tradition: $17, TBE: $1086, Expenses Total: $115, Balance after expenses: $971, Regional Donation: $146, Ending Balance: $825. 14. Open Floor: Motion to close meeting. 15. Meeting Adjourned: 11:59 am. Next meeting December 9, 2018 at 10:30 am.