MACOMB COUNTY AREA NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Area Service Committee Minutes June 1, 2019 1. Opening prayer was recited by all in attendance. 2. Reading of the 12 Traditions was read byStacy 3. Reading of the 12 Concepts was read by Bobby 4. Reading of the Definition and Purpose of an ASC was read by Hillary 5. Reading of the NA Service Prayer was read by Bradley. 6. There were 2 new GSR's: Nicole representing Daily Maintenance and Joe representing Primary Purpose. 7. 14 GSR's in attendance and quorum was met. 8. MSO Representative position remains vacant. 9. Secretary's report not read this month. 10. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $825 Group Donations: $757 7th Tradition: $22 11. RCM report: See attachments 12 Helpline: See attachments 13. H&I: See attachments 14. Literature-see below 15. Outreach: See attachments 16. Web Servant: See attachments 17. MACNA Convention: See attachments 18. Policy: No report submitted. Guideline revisions submitted to GSR's 19. Old Business: Budget request not available 20. New Business: Not available 21. Administration: Hillary is putting the Tax ID requirements in place. 22. Treasurer's Balance: Total before expenses: $1,180 Expenses Total: $20 (rent), $333.90 (H&I), $70 (Newsletter), $423.90 Regional Donation: $355.10 23. Next meeting: June 9, 2019 10:30 am 24. Open Floor: Not available 25. Meeting Adjourned: Time not recorded Helpline and Literature Reports Helpline- Good Morning Macomb ASC, The Macomb area helpline is going great and the Macomb volunteers aren't missing any calls! As the helpline chair with no Macomb specific workshops going on I've been assisting Kyle in Oakland County with his workshop and attending the monthly regional helpline subcommittee. There's nothing major to report from region helpline. I just want to stress the need for a helpline co-chair. If all the amazing GSRs could please pass that along, I greatly appreciate it, I know there's someone out there interested. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me always... 2482175973. Or attend my subcommittee meeting June 12th at 8pm at the east side alano club. Thank you so much for allowing me to be of service! Lindsey Parton, see you all next month. Literature- We hosted a literature workshop on Saturday May 11th. In attendance were myself and my co chair Smitty. Lol. So we are considering alternatives to hosting workshops due to poor attendance while still providing the opportunity for Macomb County to participate in the Literature process. All input will be helpful and if you have ideas or suggestions please come to our subcommittee meeting which is always held the first Wednesday of every month at 8:30 pm at the Eastside Alano Club. You can always find more information on all of the current literature projects and submit input online at under the tabs of for our members and then projects and surveys. Thanks for letting me be of service. Jonathan P