MACOMB COUNTY AREA NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Area Service Committee Meeting Minutes September 8, 2019 1. Opening prayer recited by all in attendance. 2. Service Prayer read by Mark W. 3. Traditions read by Towana N. 4. Definition and Purpose of an Area Service Committee read by Towana N. 5. There were no new GSR's this month. 6. There were 13 GSR's in attendance and quorum was met this month. 7. Open Service Positions: MSO-no nominations, Literature-no nominations, PR-no nominations. This will be taken back to the local groups for consideration. 8. New Business: Motion number 09082019-01 was made by Mark D. from the No Matter What Group and seconded by Bryan N. Please see attached for complete information. 9. Corrections to minutes from August 11, 2019 Jeff K. was elected to the Co-RCM position. 10. Administration body of MCANA is not tax exempt. We are now a 501c3. Tax exemption status is still pending paper work completion. 11. Treasurer's Report: Beginning Balance: $825, Total Group Donations: $718, Total Before Expenses: $1564, 7th Tradition: $21. 12. RCM report-No report submitted this month. 13. MSO- position is open 14. Activities: Please see attachment. 15. Helpline: Chair absent report not submitted to secretary. 16. H&I: Please see attachment. 17. Outreach: Please see attachment. 18. Macomb Miracles will be on Web site this month. There are no hard copies. 19. Convention: Please see attachment. 20. Policy: Please see attachment. 21. Ending Treasurer's Report: Beginning Balance: $825, Total Group Donations: $718, 7th Tradition: $21, Sub-Committee Donations: 0, Total Before Expenses: $1564, Total Expenses: $449 (rent-$20, H&I-$429), Balance After Expenses: $1115, Regional Donation: $290, Ending Balance: $825. 22. Next meeting October 13, 2019 at 10:30 am. 23. Open Floor: All in the Family-has babysitting at its meeting. Located at 11 Mile and Jefferson. 24. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.