Area Service Committee & Subcommittees
There is currently no area meetings meeting or scheduled… TBD
This subcommittee is responsible for holding activities (dances, parties, picnics, events, etc.) that are attractive to the newcomer. The primary purpose of this committee is to reach the still suffering addict and help promote N.A. unity. The secondary purpose of this subcommittee is to raise funds for the Muskegon area needs.
This subcommittee acts as a resource to groups when specific needs are necessary. They may maintain a list of members with the willingness and special skills or resources (such as language interpretation, sign interpretation) or transportation for the physically or visually impaired addict seeking recovery.
This subcommittee is a resource to members and groups in their efforts to distribute supplies, information and literature necessary to carry the N.A. message of recovery. This subcommittee attempts to make N.A. available to any addict seeking recovery within treatment and correctional facilities.
This subcommittee deals with our primary purpose as it is achieved through writing. It does a limited amount of writing as provided by the WSC handbook. This subcommittee seeks written input from its members at large by encouraging the development of new literature by holding workshops to complete proposed material.
This subcommittee is essential to the growth of N.A. in the area and needs assistance from many members to achieve their objectives. This subcommittee serves as a liaison between N.A. and society as a whole. This subcommittee compiles an Area Meeting list three times per year (or as needed). It provides and carries the N.A. message to those who may not have heard of us or misinterpreted us, informing them of what we do and where we are available.