That an addict, any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live. Our message is hope and the promise of freedom. Basic Text, 6th Ed., p. 68
GGRASCNA – Greater Grand Rapids Area Service Committee Narcotics Anonymous
This is the ‘parent’ committee for all our services. Composed of representatives from NA groups within the geographic boundaries of the Greater Grand Rapids Area of Michigan. This committee collects voluntary donations from NA groups, dispenses funds for projects and services, provides a central point for public contact, provides a means of communication between local NA groups, and reports monthly to the local fellowship. *We are not affiliated with the facilities listed anywhere in this site.*
Greater Grand Rapids Area Google Drive Folder
Area resources such as PR minutes, Area minutes, forms, and more can be found using the Google Drive link.
Follow the link below to send in your GSR report before the monthly area meeting
(4th Wednesday of every month)
Contact us at to get in touch about Area resources.
GGRASCNA – meets the 4th Wednesday of every month
Central Reformed Church
10 College Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
The next Michigan Regional Guideline Ad hoc Committee meeting will be Sunday,
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 853 7337 4841
Passcode: MZF1987
Public Relations Subcommittee: meets the 4th Wednesday at 6:00 pm, Its. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 1440 Quarry Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
This subcommittee plans and produces events and activities of interest to the NA member. Such events may include dances, parties, picnics, skating, bowling, etc. Some events are free, some seek a donation, regardless, no addict will be turned away due to inability to give a donation. The purpose of these events is to provide places where recovering addicts (and often their families and friends) can fellowship and enjoy each others company. Part of the message is that “Recovery can be fun.”The Activities Subcommittee meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at Central Reformed Church in the basement form 6pm-7pm