Area Service Committee
Every 3rd Sunday of the month @ 4pm at Jacob’s Well
Jacob’s Well – Faith Reformed Church
1121 East Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686
The Area Service Committee is made up of Area Trusted Servants and GSR’s (group service representatives) representing all groups within the Northwestern Michigan Area of Narcotics Anonymous. This committees primary purpose is to work together in unity to create a structure which develops, coordinates, and maintains services on behalf of NA as a whole. We seek to find a respectful and loving way to complete of all our common goals.

Every 3rd Sunday of the month @ 3pm at Jacob’s Well
Jacob’s Well – Faith Reformed Church
1121 East Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686
For questions or assistance, contact Jen S.
The primary purpose of the Literature Subcommittee is to be a resource to members and groups in their efforts to distribute supplies, information and literature necessary to carry the NA message of recovery.
Every 4th Sunday of the month @ 2pm at Jacob’s Well
Jacob’s Well – Faith Reformed Church
1121 East Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686

The primary purpose of the Retreat Subcommittee is to plan, facilitate and host the annual NWACNA camping convention. We demonstrate that fun can be had in recovery in a safe and loving environment while also collectively raising funds to further our Area’s primary purpose.