Download the most recent version of the Detroit West Area Meeting List Here.

For those of you who would like to attend virtual NA meetings, please try one of these sites:

There is Hope here for a better life…
…and with a little Hope anything is possible.

What is our message?

“The message is that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.

DWASCNA – Detroit West Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous

This is the ‘parent’ committee for all our services. Composed of representatives from NA groups within the geographic boundaries of the Detroit West Area. This committee collects voluntary donations from NA groups, dispenses funds for projects and services, provides a central point for public contact, provides a means of communication between local NA groups, and reports monthly to the local fellowship. If you would like to give a donation to the Detroit West Area. You can use Zelle at (when you donate, please state what group it is from).

Detroit West Area Service Committee of NA meets hybrid on the second Sunday of the month at 2pm at Shar Academy 1851 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI, 48208, or Join us via zoom at

DWASCNA Admin Body

It is the duty of the Chairperson:
1) Compile a prearranged agenda to be distributed to DWASCNA participant for ideas, input, of
motions at meetings.
2) Preside over all Committee meetings and attend chair Joint Administrative Committee meeting.
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3) Maintain lines of communication between the DWASCNA and member groups throughout the
4) Open and call the meetings to order at the appointed time having ascertained that a quorum is
5) Announce in proper sequence the business that comes before the Committee in accordance with
the prescribed order of business, agenda, or program with existing orders of the day.
6) Recognize members who are entitled to the floor,
7) State and put to a vote all questions that legitimately come before the Committee as motions or
that otherwise arise during proceedings, except questions relating to the chair, to announce the
result of each vote and to rule out of order any inappropriate motions.
8) Protect the Committee from frivolous or dilatory motions by refusing to recognize them.
9) Enforce the rules relating to debate and to order decorum within the Committee.
10)Expedite business in every way while considering the rights of the voting members.
11)Decide all questions of order subject to appeal unless when in doubt he or she prefers to submit
such questions to the parliamentarian or the Committee for decision.
12)Respond to inquiries by members relating to parliamentary procedure or information bearing on
the business of the Committee.
13)Authenticate by signature, when necessary, all acts, orders, and proceedings of the Committee
including the minutes.
14)Declare the meeting adjourned when the Committee so votes or where applicable.
15)Arrange the agenda for each meeting.
16)Conduct the general correspondence of this Committee.
17)Be a co-signer of the Committee’s bank accounts.
18)Sign all certified copies of acts of the committee.
19)Submit a written report of the office of the year’s work at the annual conference meeting.
20)Be an ex-officio non-voting member at all subcommittees.
21)Appoint all special ad-hoc or special subcommittees
For more information contact, Chairperson – Joan G. at –

It is the duty of the Co-Chairperson to:
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1) Serve as a Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence at DWASCNA meetings or Joint
Administrative Committee meetings.
2) Coordinate the functions of the subcommittees.
3) Be a co-signer of the Committee’s bank accounts.
4) Submit a written report of the office of the year’s work at the annual conference meeting.
5) Be an ex-officio non-voting member of all subcommittees.
This position is open, if you have the willingness to serve, please contact Detroit West Area.

It is the duty of the Secretary to:
1) Call meetings to order in the absence of the Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, or RCM and preside
until the immediate election of a chairperson pro-tempore.
2) Keep a record of all Committee proceedings.
3) Keep on file all Committee reports, files, and archives.
4) Maintain the Committee’s official’s membership roll and call the roll when required.
5) Make the minutes and records available upon request.
6) Keep all certified copies of acts of the Committee.
7) Maintain record book(s) in which the guidelines, special rules of order, standing rules and minutes
are entered with any amendments to these documents properly recorded, and to have the current
record book(s) on hand at every meeting.
8) Send out to the membership notice of each special meeting known as the “call” of the meeting.
9) Conduct all correspondence of the committee which a function is not proper to other offices or
10)Distribute to each officer and voting member copies of the minutes no later than ten days
following each meeting. In addition, a copy shall be sent to the Michigan Service Office and World
Service Office of Narcotics Anonymous.
11)Ensure that the Detroit West Area archives are maintained at the MSO.
12)Attend all Joint Administrative Committee meetings.
For more information contact, Secretary – Thomas F. at –

It is the duty of the Co-secretary to:
1) Assist the Secretary with his/her responsibilities.
2) And to perform those duties in their absence or vacancy.
3) Assist the Secretary in compiling reports. Maintaining a second copy of the minutes from the
previous meeting and coordinate the printing and distribution of the minutes.
For more information contact, Co-Secretary – Sandy G. at –

It is the duty of the treasurer to:
1) Collect all donations from the individuals, groups, area, or subcommittees and issue receipts for
such donations.
2) Is the custodian of the Committee’s funds not entrusted to other officers or subcommittees?
3) Establish the area’s bank account (w/updated signature cards) for the Committee and be the
signer of such account(s). Note: all checks require two authorized signatures.
4) Make a report of receipts, donations, and disbursements at each regular meeting with copies
available for review.
5) Make a full financial report at the annual meeting to be audited.
6) Disburse funds as necessary to fulfill the purpose of the Committee and as directed by the
conscience of the Committee.
7) Attend all Joint Administrative Committee meetings.
For more information contact, Treasurer – Carol P. at –

It is the duty of the Co-Treasurer to:
1) Assist the Treasurer with the responsibilities of the office and to perform his/her duties during
their absence or vacancy.
2) Be a co-signer on any bank account(s) that the Committee deems necessary.
This position is open, if you have the willingness to serve, please contact Detroit West Area.

This Sub-Committee keep their areas in touch with the larger world of NA by providing
information on activities in neighboring areas, functions being sponsored by the
regional committee, reports relevant to subcommittee affairs, and important
issues being discussed at various levels of service.
For more information contact, RCM/Region Chair – Cassandra T. at –

This Sub-Committee keep their areas in touch with the larger world of NA by providing
information on activities in neighboring areas, functions being sponsored by the
regional committee, reports relevant to subcommittee affairs, and important
issues being discussed at various levels of service.
This position is open, if you have the willingness to serve, please contact Detroit West Area.

This Sub-Committee attend all MSO Board meetings and meetings assigned by the MSO Board. Provide two- way
communications between the West Area Committee.
For more information contact MSO Board Rep Chair – Tony M. at –

This Sub-Committee attend DACNA’s Planning Committee Meetings. Provide two-way communications between the
West Area Committee and DACNA’s Planning Committee meetings.
For more information contact DACNA Liaison – Kenny W. at –

This Sub-Committee Able to meet all the qualifications of the DACNA Liaison
It is the duties of the DACNA Liaison Alternate-
To be able complete all of the duties assigned to the DACNA Liaison
This position is open, if you have the willingness to serve, please contact Detroit West Area.

It is the duty of the Parliamentary Authority to:
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the
Committee in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Twelve
Traditions and 12 Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous these guidelines of Narcotics Anonymous these
guidelines or any special or standing rules that the Committee may adopt.
For more information contact Parliamentary Authority – Doug Y. at –

DWASCNA Sub-Committees

We encourage anyone with the willingness, to participate in any of these subcommittees. The First Concepts is, To fulfill our fellowship’s primary purpose, the NA groups have joined together to create a structure which develops, coordinates, and maintains services on behalf of NA as a whole. For more information contact DWASCNA at

This Sub-Committee is responsible for holding activities (dances, parties, picnics, events, etc.) that are attractive to the newcomer. The primary purpose of this committee is to reach the still suffering addict and help promote N.A. unity. The secondary purpose of this subcommittee is to raise funds for the Detroit West area needs.
For more information contact Activies Chair – Glen R. at –

This Sub-Committee shall support the member group of the committee by helping resolve situations or needs a group has not been able to handle on its own, provide panels and workshops to increase understanding of the Tweleve Traditions the N.A. service structure, and establish an update meeting list.
For more information contact Outreach Chair – Tim B. at –

This Sub-Committee is a resource to members and groups in their efforts to distribute supplies, information and literature necessary to carry the N.A. message of recovery. This subcommittee attempts to make N.A. available to any addict seeking recovery within treatment and correctional facilities.
For more information contact H&I Chair – Geno C. at – (313) 742-6292

This Sub-Committee deals with our primary purpose as it is achieved through writing. It does a limited amount of writing as provided by the WSC handbook. This subcommittee seeks written input from its members at large by encouraging the development of new literature by holding workshops to complete proposed material.
For more information contact Literature Chair – Laura W. at –

This Sub-Committee is essential to the growth of N.A. in the area and needs assistance from many members to achieve their objectives. This subcommittee serves as a liaison between N.A. and society as a whole. This subcommittee compiles an Area Meeting list three times per year (or as needed). It provides and carries the N.A. message to those who may not have heard of us or misinterpreted us, informing them of what we do and where we are availability.
For more information contact – Greg P. at –

This Sub-Committee shall assemble articles on local service activities and
members’ recovery experiences, edit, publish and distribute a periodical Newsletter in accordance with the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of NA.
For more information contact Newsletter Chair – Melvin H. at –

This Sub-Committee shall review any possible policy changes; seek guidance in a better understanding of our Traditions and report back to the Committee and follow the suggestions in World service Conference Committee Handbooks as appropriate for its needs.
For more information contact Policy Chair – Liz D. at –

This Sub-Committee maintains a telephone information service for Narcotics Anonymous that helps addicts and others in the community find us easily and quickly.
This position is open, if you have the willingness to serve, please contact Detroit West Area.

This Sub-Committee maintain information for Area website and update the website as required and updated the Area Meeting List as needed.
For more information contact Web Server Chair – Stiliani E. at –